So I had to stop playing to write and say, you managed to make the dam level fun! That's a significant accomplishment. I liked the swimming mechanics they felt intuitive (once I overcame the years of conditioning). I'm having some difficulty readjusting to the difficulty of retro gaming in general, it took me awhile to get past Rocksteady but I'm really enjoying it.
Thanks for making something I loved as a kid even better as an adult, somehow.
I gave Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest Rebitten a good try. I just wanted to say thank you for giving a good gameplay facelift to this old game. This game holds a special place in my heart as being my first NES game but one I never completed back in the day. (We all know why...) Really enjoying the product right now and I have even thrown in a CRT filter to add an additional layer of nostalgia to this wonderful, improved, throwback.
OMG dude, you have made a dream come true for me! I only just found out about this recently after watching the Netflix series and thinking to myself I wish someone would do exactly what you did, remake it keeping it to the original and putting bosses in every mansion AND playing through the castle at the end. Brilliant! Totally grabbing a copy.
Hey Ed, I just wanted to take the time and thank you, thank you for the update, thank you for the awesome work that you put into these games and thank you for taking time out of your schedule for this and the other projects that you have done and are in the process of working on. To me you have done some incredible work and please continue to do what you do.
First off, thank you so much for the work you do. Castlevania Simon's Quest Rebitten and TMNT are incredible reimaginings adding stuff I could only dream of growing up with those games. I have almost all of your games on disc and digital. Looking very forward to Castlevania 3. Keep it up!
Hello Ed, huge fan of your games and your programing skills, just saw your video and would like a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Reshelled. You're awesome.
Hey Ed, Saw your video. Was hoping to get a copy of Reshelled 1.8. I bought your bundle a while back and have been loving every game. Keep up the good work man.
Hey Ed, Saw your video. Was hoping to get a copy of Reshelled 1.8. I bought your bundle a while back and have been loving every game. Keep up the good work man.
Hi Ed,
I've been watching your vids for a few months now and I love your content. You said that in your latest video that you're offering a free copy of your new version of TMNT Reshelled. I'd love to try it and do some vids about it for my boys, since now they know about you too. I've been constantly sharing your vids on our DC server and they love it, because most of them are retro gamers. It's also thanks to you and my boys that I started playing Castlevania (1986) and finished it without guides and savestates after a few days.
Ed thank you so much, I got the link! Super excited, you’re awesome! I’m going to go on your website in a few to purchase the hard copy, thanks again!
I watched your CV3 footage, it’s cool to see some re-imagining happening to it. I rented this game constantly as a kid, I’d always dream up different things about the stages in a more fantastical way. It was cool how the columns, pillars always made these giant places dwarf Trevor in size.
I wanted to say that my purchase has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of nostalgia with a dash of modern tweeks. Friday the 13th is soo enjoyable now compared to the old one. Waiting for your Dracula’s Curse release.
I saw your video today and I must say, you continue to amaze me. I played your Simon's Quest game last year for an October event and my fans loved it, I loved it! I am planning on showcasing your Castlevania 3 when it comes out too! I am a huge fan and have been for years when you used to do game reviews.
Big fan. Castlevania Rebitten is a fantastic edit. I've always loved the original TMNT nes game. Please send me a copy of your new project. Eager to try it. Thanks,
Hi Ed,
I've been watching your vids for a few months now and I love your content. You said that in your latest video that you're offering a free copy of your new version of TMNT Reshelled. I'd love to try it and do some vids about it for my boys, since now they know about you too. I've been constantly sharing your vids on our DC server and they love it, because most of them are retro gamers. It's also thanks to you and my boys that I started playing Castlevania (1986) and finished it without guides and savestates after a few days.
Love your work. I was actually waiting until the Castlevania 3 came out this Halloween to get the multi pack. (I really wanna play Faxanadu, TMNT, and Castlevania 3). But I'd love to play TMNT reshelled sooner. I'll still buy the multi pack when Castlevania 3 comes out. (I'm assuming it'll be included). Simon's Quest Rebitten is amazing, it was the game that made me start following you closely. Thanks again for your work!!
I bought the RetroGamer 7 pack a few months ago :-) Only played and finished Rygar Vengeance so far and loved it (after getting used to the changes from the original). Rygar was the first game I ever owned back in 1991 and been playing it at least once per year since then so the changes were a bit of a shock at first :-) Looking forward to playing the rest of the 7 pack :-) Thanks for all the work in remaking these classics